by Paige | Sep 6, 2019 | Uncategorized
There is really no difference between how I do business and how I do yoga. Just like my yoga practice, I also visualise and meditate on my business. By envisioning my goals for the business, I can ensure that the decisions I’m making align with the higher vision....
by Paige | Jul 22, 2019 | Uncategorized
Dreams, goals, aspirations – we all have them. Some more than others. But in today’s world, we are always working towards something. A healthier version of ourselves, a thriving business, the new car. Working towards goals is fantastic, it keeps us...
by Paige | Jun 17, 2019 | Uncategorized
We all know that mindfulness is the key to becoming aware of your thoughts and helping to relax that monkey mind. But it is through yoga, that you will find a way to allow your physical and mental self to find rest. Yoga is like your toolbox for building stillness and...
by Paige | May 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
We all know that the best way to create a beautiful day is to start with a beautiful morning. And beautiful mornings always start with self-care. But if you are struggling to make time for a morning ritual, you are not alone. Often, what we had hoped our morning to be...
by Paige | Mar 28, 2019 | Uncategorized
When you hear the words, preventative care what do you think of? Getting the car serviced? Checkups at the dentist and vaccinations for your pet? It’s true that we spend a lot of time, money and energy keeping the “things” in our life maintained to avoid problems or...
by Paige | Jul 25, 2018 | Uncategorized
Listen to the Whisper “How do you make time to practise?” I was asked this question in a social media post recently. It’s a question that comes up often. As with anything you want to do, but struggle to find the time/discipline/motivation to actually do it, the...